Sunday, January 13, 2008

Norms on Catechesis on Sacraments


I.General Norms

1. There shall a common Curriculum and Study Modules on the Catechesis on the Sacraments.
2. The Sacred Ministers and all other members of Christ’s faithful shall ensure that proper evangelization and catechetical instruction, in accordance with the norms of Can. 843, shall be given to those who ask for the sacraments so that they will be prepared for their reception.
3. The communal nature of worship shall be emphasized in the teaching and in the celebration of the sacraments.
4. Proper evangelization shall be done to minimize and eventually remove the class distinctions in the celebration and reception of the sacraments.
5. Proper catechetical instruction shall be done to ensure not only the understanding of the meaning of the sacrament to be received but also to develop reverence and proper disposition and atmosphere in celebrating the sacrament.
6. For the interiorization of the sacraments and liturgical life, there shall be in the diocese ongoing formation programs for the clergy, religious and laity.
7. The formation of the faithful on sacraments and liturgy shall be adapted to all levels and localities.
8. The formation program on sacraments and liturgy shall include inculturation and other forms of celebrating the sacraments worthily.

Particular Norms:
A. Baptism

9. The people of the parish shall be instructed adequately about the registration of children for baptism and to have proper documents like “certificate of live birth”, certificate of marriage of parents, recommendation from the GKK or BEC Officers of their place of residence.
10. Adequate catechesis like Pre-Jordan instructions, Family-based Catechesis and other instructions to prepare the parents and the sponsors on the meaning of the sacrament of baptism, the choice of practicing catholic sponsors, the importance of choosing Christian names of children and other important things related to the sacrament of baptism shall be given to the lay faithful.
11. The parents of the child to be baptized shall be instructed why the proper place of baptism is the parish church of the parents of the child or in case of a barrio fiesta, the proper place shall be the GKK or BEC Chapel.
12. The people shall be instructed that on certain occasions, baptisms may be administered during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist to heighten the communitarian meaning of the sacrament.
13. The candidates for adult baptism shall undergo a full catechumenate instruction before receiving the sacrament of baptism.

B. Confirmation
14. The Candidates for confirmation shall undergo one school-year Catechesis and the parents and the sponsors shall undergo proper instruction on the sacrament as well as on their duties and obligations.
15. The Candidates shall be instructed properly on the form and substance of the sacrament when the bishop administers this during his parochial visitation and other occasions when this sacrament is administered.

C. Holy Eucharist
16. The people of the parish shall be instructed adequately on the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist so that prominence shall be given to this sacrament and the people will be more encouraged to join Eucharistic celebrations.
17. Mass Servers shall have an adequate catechesis on the Eucharist and the Liturgy and shall undergo proper training according a common diocesan curriculum and training modules.
18. Lay Ministers and Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers shall have a proper formation based on a common diocesan curriculum and training modules before they are allowed to serve in parishes.
19. Lectors and Commentators’ Ministers shall undergo a common diocesan formation program based on sound catechesis, bible study and speech training.
20. There shall be a proper orientation and formation program at the diocesan level for the Cantor, Psalmist, Choir Coordinator/Director and other Ministers of Music.

D. Reconciliation
21. On occasions of instruction to prepare for the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, emphasis shall be given to the sacrament as an act of reconciliation with the community. Hence, restoring and maintaining charitable and proper relationships with individuals and community shall be made as a condition for the reception of the sacrament.
22. Adequate instruction shall be given to the penitents for the fruitful celebration of the sacrament and see the value of individual confession as a moment of grace of conversion.

E. Matrimony
23. Those preparing for marriage shall be required to attend a formal Pre-Cana Seminar. Catechesis on Family and Christian Life shall be given to the couple preparing for the sacrament of matrimony.
24. Parents, sponsors and other participants of the wedding ceremony shall undergo a proper instruction and catechesis on the sacrament of matrimony.
25. The bride, the groom, the parents and the bridal entourage shall undergo proper instructions to safeguard the dignity, solemnity and proper conduct during the celebration of the sacrament.
26. The couples shall be encouraged to undergo marriage encounter, marriage enrichment and other family life activities for the enhancement of living an active Christian family life.

F. Holy Orders
27. In occasions of preparing for the ordination to the Diaconate and Priestly Ministry, the people shall be instructed on the meaning of the sacrament of Holy Orders.
28. The parents and family of the ordinandi and other people who are involved in the preparation of the sacrament of holy orders shall be given proper instruction to ensure the dignity and solemnity of the celebration of this sacrament.

G. Anointing of the Sick
29. In regular instruction and catechesis in the parish, a proper understanding of the meaning of the anointing of the sick shall be emphasized.
30. A strong effort shall be made
a) the educate the people on the sacrament of the anointing of the sick and to help them understand the physical and the spiritual benefits of this sacrament;
b) to remove the wrong notion that this is the sacrament for those who are dying or that this sacrament induces death.
31. Extraordinary Ministers for the Pastoral Care of the Sick shall be given appropriate formation for the proper understanding of the sacrament and to acquaint themselves properly of their roles and functions.

Norms on Popular Devotions and Practices


1. Popular devotions are “warmly commended, provided they accord with the laws and norms of the Church.”(Sacrosanctum Concilium [SC], 13). They shall foster the sanctification of the people (cf. Can. 1186).
2. Popular devotions and practices should be drawn up that “they harmonize with the liturgical seasons, accord with the sacred liturgy.. and lead the people to it, since liturgy by its very nature far surpasses any of them.” (SC, 13).
3. Only novenas and prayer booklets that are approved shall be used officially in the diocese.
Only images and pictures that evoke dignity and sacredness shall be put in a proper place at a church or oratory. They are, however, “to be displayed in moderate numbers and in suitable fashion, so that the Christian people are not disturbed.” (Can. 1188).
4. Novena prayers shall not be incorporated within the Holy Mass but shall precede it or be prayed outside the mass.
5. Religious processions of the feast of our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Patronal Saints shall be conducted in a devout and orderly manner. The people shall be instructed that it is a time for community prayer and religious singing and that profane presentations like street dancing and acrobatics shall be avoided.
6. Popular rituals and customs like the Palm Sunday Procession, Seven Last Words, Santo Entierro Procession, “Sugat/ Salubong” during Easter Morning, All Souls Day activities and similar activities shall be given proper attention with appropriate catechesis to evoke deeper faith among the people.
7. The wearing of religious scapulars and medals as a public manifestation of people’s faith should be guided with proper instruction so that they do not become associated with magic and superstition.
8. A brief instruction shall accompany blessings of persons, devotional articles and other things so that they will not smack of magic and superstition but they become occasion of witnessing to the faith.
9. The recitation of the Rosary, the Angelus and other traditional devotions shall be guided with proper catechesis so that they become strong means of keeping the family together at prayer and keeping the people united in prayer in BEC/GKK chapels.
10. In novenas for the deceased, the family shall be properly instructed for a meaningful prayer and the occasion to put in proper context the meaning of these traditional practices.
11. In pilgrimages to the pilgrimage centers and shrines, like the Shrine of St. Vincent Ferrer, Vito, Sagay, the pilgrims shall be shepherded and guided for the proper witnessing to their faith. Traditional customs like “palapak”(ritual of touching the religious image on the person), “punas-punas”(ritual of the people touching and wiping the religious image) shall gradually be discouraged through proper instruction and catechesis.
12. Any emerging popular devotions and practices shall be under study and research before being approved and adopted by the diocese. Only popular devotions approved by the local ordinary shall be allowed to be practiced in the diocese.
13. The diocese shall form a Committee to take charge of studying the popular devotions existing in the diocese and who shall submit to the bishop the study of certain popular devotions for appropriate action by our local Church.
14. To create more religious awareness and evoke more participation of the people in the activities of the parish especially in building and consolidating basic ecclesial communities, the image of the patron of the parish shall be brought around the different GKKs/ BECs in the parish and accompanied by appropriate catechesis.