Friday, August 24, 2007

Synod Signature Campaign

Committee on Finance


To adopt this fundraising strategy: SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN, in which lay faithful be urged to share th

eir generosity to finance the Synod process from its preparation to its implementation.


The Bishop will inform the clergy that the diocese through the Committee on Finance will undertake to launch the fundraising drive: Signature Campaign in all parishes, quasi-parishes, chaplaincies and mission stations.

The Signature Campaign book will be a form of solicitation. The book will bear the letter of appeal of the Bishop, the IDs of the official solicitors of the parish. All of the pages in the book will bear the heading: Date/Name/Signature/Amount of Donation. The pages will bear corresponding numbers, using the numbering machine.

The Bishop will ask the clergy to name two persons in their parish to be the official solicitors. Once named, the Finance Committee will entrust the Signature Campaign book to the official solicitors. There will be a formal commissioning of the official solicitors, specifically during the launching of the fundraising drive. The clergy will decide on the date and time of the launching of the campaign. The Finance Committee will give the IDs to the official solicitors.

Launching of the Fundraising Drive. To be invited will be the parish Temporalities chairpersons with the official solicitors for the mass on the launching of the fundraising drive and commissioning of the official solicitors. The Temporalities chairpersons will serve as the monitoring and supervising body of the official solicitors. They will explain in their Temporalities meeting the mechanics of the campaign. The official solicitors will undergo orientation about the Synod before the “sending-off.”

Announcement in Parishes/Quasi-Parishes/Chaplaincies/Mission Stations. The Bishop will ask the parish priests, quasi-parish priests, chaplains, and the priests-in-charge of the mission stations to announce or inform the lay faithful about the Signature Campaign Fund-raising drive in all masses.

Manner of Solicitation and Collection.

6.1.The official solicitors will approach the lay faithful to contribute to the Synod fund. The donor will write his/her name and sign opposite his/her name, indicate the date and the amount of his/her donation in the Signature book and submit the cash to the official solicitors. The official solicitors will be equipped with ID, plastic holder of the book, and ball pen.
6.2.Every day the solicitors will remit the collections to the parish, and the parish priest will sign on the portion of the Signature Book, in acknowledgment of the amounts remitted by the solicitors. The parish priest will remit the collections to the Chancery during clergy meeting.
6.3.For every collection turned over, the Chancery or the authorized Finance Committee representative will issue Official Receipt. The book will be marked with the total remittance made for the month and bear the Official Receipt number and date. The official solicitors will receive traveling allowance.
6.4.Territorial jurisdiction. The official solicitors will confine their solicitations within their respective parishes.
6.5.Award/Appreciation. The Finance Committee will give an award to the solicitor who will garner the highest contribution; the rest will receive plaques of appreciation.

Prepared by:


Approved by:

Bishop of San Carlos


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