Synod Lineamenta on Worship
God in His own mysterious way, out of His profound wisdom and boundless goodness, freely calls us to sanctification and to participate in His divine life (LG, 2). He reveals this fully and unequivocally in the person of Jesus the Christ, the Primordial Sacrament in whom we have become the new people of God (LG, 9). As Church or people of God, we are the living presence of Jesus Christ on earth to continue his saving work under the guidance of the Holy Spirit thereby making us the “sacrament of intimate union with God, and of the unity of all mankind” (LG, 1). This reality of the Church as the sacrament of Christ is concretely made present in the celebration of the liturgy, in particular the Sacraments of the Church which in a profound way sanctify the people of God.
The liturgy is the action of Christ and the Church; the exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ, the public worship of His Body (SC, 7). It is a community act, the public worship of those who confess the name of Christ, “involving the whole Body of the Church, manifesting it and having effects upon it”(SC, 26). It is the summit towards which we direct our activity and the fountain from which we draw our power (SC, 4) even as it strengthens us as a pilgrim people through a life-transforming commitment to bring about the full realization of the God’s Kingdom in accordance with God’s plan. The Church has repeatedly encouraged the laity to take an active role in worship and liturgy because it is “their right and duty by reason of their baptism” (SC, 14). The sacrament of the Church, however, is more visibly concretized in the local congregation of the faithful gathered around the altar, under the sacred ministry of the bishop as he exercise his role to sanctify the people of God. The liturgical celebrations of worship in the local communities are celebrated in union with the local ordinary and with the universal Church; it retains the prayer and liturgical expressions common to the entire Church, especially those which form part of our rich liturgical traditions. Nonetheless, the Church always finds ways in maintaining the balance between sound tradition and legitimate progress in liturgy which are attempts at creative and meaningful expressions of prayer and worship to the Father (SC, 23).
The liturgy is greatly connected with the task of evangelization, for, it contains rich instructions for the faithful and in it God speaks to His people and Christ is still proclaiming His Gospel (SC, 33). Along this line, the Church emphasizes the importance and necessity of preaching, and the value of homily as an instrument of evangelization (EN, 43; SC, 35). As our relationship with God is marked with signs and symbols, the seven Sacraments of the Church are the sensible and effective signs of Christ’s presence in our midst, sanctifying the essential and most decisive moments of our existence. Sacramentals and popular devotions which have long and glorious history in the piety of the people do provide veritable helps in the sanctification of the people. Sacred places, music and art foster delight to prayer and turns our thoughts to God persuasively and devoutly for His greater honor and glory (SC, 122). The liturgical calendar unfolds the whole mystery of Christ and the celebration of the fiesta represents the people’s way of giving thanks to God for the graces and benefits received. A liturgical text adapted to the situation of the Diocese of San Carlos will enrich our encounter with God and the Presence of God will be experienced in a palpable way through a meaningful liturgy and worship.
Questions for small group discussion:
How can we make our worship and liturgy in the Diocese meaningful?
How can we involve more lay people, especially the young ones, in our liturgical and worship activities?
How can we have our own liturgical texts and guides which are adapted to our situation in the Diocese?
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