Thursday, July 06, 2006

Role, Tasks & Functions of the Synod PrepCom



The synod Preparatory Committee assists the bishop in setting the direction, in laying down the guidelines for choosing Synod Delegates, in the systematization of the format and methodology of the said ecclesiastical gathering and in other matters necessary for the facilitation of the synod process.


The consultants/ periti are to be consulted on matters that emerge during the synod process that need an expert opinion. They give only the opinion but the bishop has the final say whether to adapt or reject their opinion.


The Committee on Education has a vital role in the synod. Its main role is to inform the faithful, especially the lay people, on the Synod and the synod process. Their secondary role is to help the clergy in educating parish synod leaders and other groups formed for the purpose of facilitating the synod.
The committee is tasked to make educational materials, modules, guides and manuals, catechetical materials and online education on the synod through the internet. This committee is also tasked to create an education program regarding the synod for the whole diocese. Moreover, the Committee is tasked to facilitate in scheduling retreats and spiritual renewal activities.
One of their functions is to create synod formation teams and to train synod education committees; another function is to make a Synod curriculum for the diocese. Moreover, they conduct seminars at the diocesan level for trainors training and other matters of great importance to deepen the awareness of the faithful on the Church and Church doctrines, especially that which concerns the synod.
All educational materials have to be approved by the bishop.

The work of the Mass Media Committee is to have media-projection on the Synod in the printed media (newspapers and magazines), broadcast media (radio, TV, cable media) and virtual media (internet and wireless media). This Committee is tasked to make press conferences, radio-TV hooked up, and connection with alternative media. The Committee shall network with local, national and international media. The Committee functions as the press corps of the synod but it also coordinates with the Education Committee in creating ads, radio-tv spots and programs on the synod. All press releases and write ups or articles on the Synod should be approved by the bishop.

The Research, Documentation and Publication Committee shall take charge of the very vital role of documenting the synod process. During the Pre-Synod, the Committee will be in charge of the research on the history of the diocese and the parishes within the diocese, the gathering of the necessary data for Diocesan and parish profiles, the collation of reports and summaries of the Mini-synod at the parish level and the publication of pertinent data needed for information during the synod process. The Committee shall take charge in the written, photo and audio-video documentation. The Committee is not allowed to release any information or data without the approval of the bishop.

The Committee on Liturgy has the main role of creating relevant liturgical texts for the synod from the Initial Preparatory Stage of the Pre-Synod, to the Synod Proper and up to the Post-Synod Implementation Stage. It is tasked to compose the Oratio Imperata, Prayer texts and novenas, liturgical texts and songs, attuned to the three stages of the synod process which shall be used in all parishes, quasi-parishes, chaplainces, mission areas, schools and other institutions. The Committee is also tasked to produce a liturgical booklet for the Synod Proper. One of their functions is to provide liturgical policies and norms during the whole synod process as well as to have a formation program and training on liturgy for the synod. All liturgical materials and program of activities have always to be referred to the bishop for approval.

The main role of the Organizing Committee is to ensure the quantitative and qualitative participation of the faithful in the diocesan synod activities. It is tasked to make all activities of the synod well-ordered, systematic and organized. The Committee is tasked to create working committees for the different activities of the Synod at the different stages of the synod. The Committee functions as the coordinating body during synod convocation, accommodation of delegates and participants of the synod, health and security and the physical arrangement of the place of the synod and other functions relative to this. The blue print of its program has to be approved by the bishop.

The Committee is in charge in sourcing funds needed to run the two-years or more activities of the Synod. The Synod Fund has to have a separate account and be released only if approved by the financial body and by the bishop. All transactions has to be properly recorded, all donations, pledges and contributions are to be accounted for with official receipts from the diocese.

These are different committees with the sole purpose of drafting the different working papers or lineamenta. The references or source materials of the drafts are from the data and points from the diocesan evaluation and parish evaluation of the different commissions and programs and of the evaluation of the church personnel. The Lineamenta has three (3) parts: a) The situation / condition (from the different data), b) the doctrinal presentation and c) the calls. The members of the different Topical Committees/Lineamenta Committees have to be chosen according to their field of expertise. The Lineamenta has to be approved first by the bishop before this is brought to the Mini-Synod at the parish level for deliberation.

These are committees that are created to answer a particular need of the situation. For example, these are the Food Committee, Care & Aftercare Committee, etc.


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